Helsinki – Support The Bitkovs Official Website Mon, 24 Dec 2018 00:16:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Helsinki – Support The Bitkovs 32 32 How the U.N. Bullies a U.S. Ally Sun, 23 Dec 2018 23:26:46 +0000 Español Disponible Aquí

Scores of fraudulent residency cards are issued, but the official escapes prosecution.

(Español) Inspector General del Departamento de Estado de EE.UU. Investigará a CICIG Thu, 12 Jul 2018 10:50:23 +0000 Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.


El día 11 de julio del año 2018 durante la audiencia del Comité De  Relaciones Exteriores del Congreso de Estados Unidos se determinó la necesidad de que el Inspector General del Departamento de Estado de EE.UU junto a un equipo de investigadores se constituya en Guatemala para investigar a la CICIG específicamente por la injerencia del Kremlin en la persecución hacia la familia de migrantes y empresarios rusos Bitkovs.

ES IMPORTANTE DESTACAR QUE: Los medios de comunicación social en Guatemala NO MOSTRARON la intervención completa del Honorable Ed Royce (R-CA), Presidente Audiencia del Comité de Asuntos Exteriores así como del vicepresidente de la Comisión de Helsinki Honorable Christopher Smith (R NJ-4) al momento que cuestionaron  al subsecretario adjunto principal interino del Departamento de Estado de EE.UU Kenneth Merten sobre el papel que CICIG ocupa en la persecución de la familia Rusa Bitkov en Guatemala  por lo que a continuación presentamos la intervención completa que ningún medio de comunicación tuvo el valor de mostrar…


I PARTE Audiencia del Comité de Relaciones Exteriores del Congreso de Estados Unidos 11 julio de 2018

II PARTE Audiencia del Comité de Relaciones Exteriores del Congreso de Estados Unidos 11 julio 2018


(Español) ENTREVISTA CON Bill Browder – La injerencia del Kremlin en CICIG Thu, 12 Jul 2018 06:43:51 +0000 Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Entrevista Bill Browder Caso Bitkov Veacanal

Subtítulos en español disponibles en el siguiente video:

Russian Interference in Guatemala – GAZPROMBANK Mon, 18 Jun 2018 22:11:39 +0000 ESPAÑOL DISPONIBLE AQUÍ

Attorney Alfonso Carrillo

Multiple proves regarding the Bitkov case, and about Russian interference to destroy the Bitkov family through CICIG have been delivered and registered at the US Senate.

The most recent proof that was been incorporated into the Helsinki Commission is related to the role of Attorney Alfonso Carrillo Marroquín as a link between KREMLIN and CICIG.

Alfonso Carrillo en Comisión de Helsinki Caso Bitkovs
Alfonso Carrillo in Helsinki Commission Case Bitkovs

The Senate already has information about the participation of the Lawyer Henry Phillip Comte Velasquez, who is Alternative Magistrate of the CONSTITUTIONAL COURT and has a Power of Attorney from the Russian State Bank VTB, but a something was missing. It was the roll of the Attorney Alfonso Carrillo. Now the relationship between Comte and Carrillo and their relationship between Russia and Guatemala is under investigation.

It turns out that there is another Power or Attorney, contained in a Notarial Deed, which was granted from Moscow by another of the Vladimir Putin’s Banks, GAZPROMBANK Bank, that granted a Judicial power of attorney with Representation in favor of the Guatemalan lawyer Alfonso Carrillo Marroquín.

Vladimir Putin (Left) Andrey Akimov (Right)
Mandato de Gazprombak para Alfonso Carrillo
Power of Atterney by Gazprombak / Alfonso Carrillo
Certification of the Power of Attorney by Gazprombak / Alfonso Carrillo

This Russian Power of Attorney granted in favor of Carrillo is a very important proof, since Alfonso Carrillo has lobbied at the SUPREME COURT OF JUSTICE and the CONSTITUTIONAL COURT on detriment of the Bitkov.

Eventually the magistrates and their staffers of both Guatemalan courts could be called as witnesses of that lobby.

Let us also remember that Alfonso Carrillo has filled many injuctions trying to harm the Institutions of the State of Guatemala, against the President of the Republic and to defend, officiously, Commissioner Ivan Velásquez, when President of Guatemala declared him “non grato”.

Twitter Translation: #Now | The lawyer Alfonso Carrillo filed an amparo action before the @CC_Guatemala in favor of the commissioner Iván Velásquez, so that Jimmy Morales will comply with everything related to the prerogatives and facilities that Velásquez has, as head of the CICIG.

Before the hearing against CICIG, at the Helsinki Commission, Alfonso Carrillo traveled to Washington, lobbying with other Guatemalan personalities, trying to influence the US Senate, without any success.

Alfonso Carrillo represents the interests of CICIG and organizations that define themselves as “fighters” against impunity, but who hide spurious interests, who want power through alternative mechanisms to the democratic system.

We must be vigilant and denounce any hidden person so that the weight of

(Español) El Impacto de la Comisión de Helsinki – Caso Bitkov Tue, 08 May 2018 07:35:37 +0000  


Iván Velásquez was called to the Helsinki Commission – Bitkov Case Tue, 08 May 2018 05:15:36 +0000 ESPAÑOL DISPONIBLE AQUÍ

The commissioner of the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala CICIG was invited by the Helsinki Commission in a letter which we share below:

Invititation to Ivan Velasquez-page-001

It should be noted that Iván Velásquez did not attend the official invitation of the Helsinki Commission, which leaves much to be desired…

In Guatemala, vows to fight graft despite US senator’s hold Tue, 08 May 2018 01:36:43 +0000

Español Disponible aquí:

May 07, 2018 07:39 PM
Updated 1 hour 46 minutes ago

(Español) Mas senadores se unen a Rubio para pedir suspensión de financiamiento de CICIG Tue, 08 May 2018 01:03:46 +0000 Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Más senadores se unen a Rubio para pedir suspensión de financiamiento de CICIG mediante una Petición oficial a la Cámara de Representantes de la Casa Blanca

Antes de enviarles otro 6 millones de su Tax $, merecemos saber qué papel de Putin y el banco ruso sancionado por Estados Unidos jugó en la decisión de una ONU Comisión para condenar a familia que huye de la persecución del Kremlin a 19 años de prisión por una violación de pasaporte 



Más congresistas estadounidenses se unen al senador para pedir una suspensión del financiamiento de CICIG hasta que la familia Bitkov sea liberada de la prisión guatemalteca. Senador y senador Mike Lee todos pidieron un asimiento en la financiación de $6 millones de dolares

Microscopic Dots, Cont. Sun, 06 May 2018 19:29:03 +0000

Español Disponible Aquí:

Igor Bitkov and his son Vladimir (born in Guatemala, after the family had fled Russia)

 Last month, I went to Guatemala to visit a family named Bitkov in their prisons. Igor, Irina, and Anastasia Bitkov fled Russia in fear of their lives. They wound up in Guatemala. In a Kafkaesque turn of events, they are now in prison. They were put there by a strange combination of Guatemalan legal authorities, a Russian bank, and a U.N. agency. You can read my story — the Bitkovs’ story, told by me — here.There is good news: Senator Marco Rubio has placed a hold on U.S. funding of the U.N. agency. And there is talk that Canada might accept the Bitkovs, in the event of their release. (Article here.)

A clutch of people have taken up the Bitkovs’ cause. Rubio is one of them. Bill Browder is another. (He is the financier who campaigns for “Magnitsky acts,” sanctioning human-rights abusers.) Mary Anastasia O’Grady of the Wall Street Journal has written repeatedly about the Bitkovs and their case.

I sat in prison with Irina Bitkov. She marveled at the help she and her family were getting. “We are not their fellow citizens,” she said of those helping the Bitkovs. “We can’t do anything for them. They are helping us simply because we are human beings.” She could hardly believe it. She thought it was the most marvelous thing in the world.

And as she spoke, I thought of the nationalists and realists (self-styled).

After I got back, I wrote about an incident from the Carter years. President Carter was meeting with Andrei Gromyko, the Soviet foreign minister. Carter brought up the case of Anatoly Shcharansky (later Natan Sharansky), the leading refusenik in the Gulag. Gromyko was nonplussed at this. The USSR and the USA had such big fish to fry: nuclear arsenals, the fate of the world. And Carter was bringing up this one zek, this one prisoner. He is but “a microscopic dot,” Gromyko said.

A clutch of people have taken up the Bitkovs’ cause. Rubio is one of them. Bill Browder is another. (He is the financier who campaigns for “Magnitsky acts,” sanctioning human-rights abusers.) Mary Anastasia O’Grady of the Wall Street Journal has written repeatedly about the Bitkovs and their case.

I sat in prison with Irina Bitkov. She marveled at the help she and her family were getting. “We are not their fellow citizens,” she said of those helping the Bitkovs. “We can’t do anything for them. They are helping us simply because we are human beings.” She could hardly believe it. She thought it was the most marvelous thing in the world.

And as she spoke, I thought of the nationalists and realists (self-styled).

Today, my eyes fell on a piece by Vladimir Kara-Murza, the Russian democracy leader. Let me quote:

One morning in the spring of 2016, I spoke at a breakfast meeting with British members of Parliament who were on an official visit to Moscow. The conversation soon turned to the Magnitsky Act, the path-breaking U.S. measure that targeted individuals responsible for human rights abuses in Russia. When I urged my interlocutors to pass the same law in Britain, one member of the delegation broke me off and launched into a diatribe: why on earth, he complained, should the City of London forgo billions in profits because of some “human rights hearsay.”

Our meeting was taking place in the British ambassador’s residence, just a few hundred yards from the bridge where, months earlier, Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was gunned down as he walked home after dinner. I was barely able to stand, using a cane, months after my own near-fatal poisoning. I had nothing to say to the honorable gentleman as he lamented the loss of profits.

“Human-rights hearsay,” “microscopic dots.” The national interest is paramount. It must always be thus. But we Americans find that, usually, our interest does not conflict with concern for human beings, for these little dots. It may be that they are, in fact, what makes life worth living.

Bill Browder Says:


(Español) Yassmín Barrios deja libres a integrantes de la Mara Salvatrucha Sun, 06 May 2018 07:48:24 +0000 Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Yassmin Barrios Deja libres a integrantes de la Mara Salvatrucha

Sentencia dictada por Yassmín Barrios a favor de 2 prófugos miembros de la mara Salvatrucha, impactó al Senado de EE.UU.,  ya que no los envió a prisión por adquirir DPI falsos.

En el Senado de EE.UU.  llamó mucho la atención la condena dictada por el Tribunal de Sentencia presidido por Yassmín Barrios, dentro del proceso penal C-01031-2017-00005, debido a que un mes después de condenar a los Bitkov con penas brutales de  19 y 14 años de prisión y expulsión del país por adquirir de un traficante documentos de identidad emitidos por el Estado de Guatemala, condenaron, por ese mismo delito, a 2 salvadoreños miembros de la peligrosa mara Salvatrucha, con penas de 5 años de prisión conmutables (no fueron enviados a la cárcel).

Yasmin Barrios a favor de 2 miembros de la mara Salvatrucha
Sentencia expediente número 01031-2017-00005, Página 22, Yassmin Barrios beneficia con prisión conmutable a dos miembros activos de la Mara Salvatrucha.

Estos pandilleros, de nacionalidad salvadoreña, tenían agravantes en su actuar, debido a que ellos, contrario a los Bitkov, sí robaron la identidad de guatemaltecos, ya que utilizaron el nombre y apellido de guatemaltecos que sí existían, además, huyeron de El Salvador donde habían cometido más de 25 asesinatos; sin embargo, el mismo Tribunal que condenó a los Bitkov, no envió a prisión a estos miembros de la mara Salvatrucha.  Además, ese mismo Tribunal no ordenó la expulsión de Guatemala de estos pandilleros salvadoreños.

Los peligrosos pandilleros beneficiados por el Tribunal de Yassmín Barrios, son: Israel Antonio Cabrera Luna, alias “demonio”, y Mauricio Antonio Rivas Hernández, alias “Cabra” o “Patoja”.  Estos pandilleros, contrario a los empresarios rusos Bitkov, son asesinos peligrosos y extorsionan en Guatemala.

CICIG no fue querellante en contra  de estos peligrosos pandilleros a pesar de que ellos sí forman parte de una peligrosa estructura criminal (mara Salvatrucha); en cambio, la familia rusa Bitkov, nunca formó parte de estructura criminal alguna y, en cambio, CICIG sí pidió ser querellante en su contra para pedir las condenas brutales ya mencionadas.

A continuación dejamos copia de la sentencia del Tribunal de Yassmín barrios donde beneficia a estos dos pandilleros:

IMPORTANTE: Después de haber leído la sentencia juzgue usted como el MP miente a la población mediante su portal de “noticias” institucional el cual hizo alarde de condenar a dos integrantes de la MS 13 sin mencionar que las  “condenas” fueron de tan solo 5 años conmutables los cuales fueron otorgados por la Jueza Yassmín Barrios. 

Fuente enlace:


Esto constituye una de las tantas ilegalidades del caso Bitkov, y es por ello que el Senado de EE.UU. está investigando la injerencia rusa en el actuar de CICIG y de los jueces y fiscales a cargo del proceso penal.
