Political Spoils

Vladimir, a political spoils with just three years old.

Vladimir is the youngest member of our family, born in Guatemala, therefore is Guatemalan by birth. Vladimir is active, intelligent, attentive, likes cars and sports, he loves trains, learning new things, speaks Spanish and understands Russian and English.

Therefore Vladimir having been born in Guatemala, is a Guatemalan child, and so is of Guatemalan nationality. However, the Russian government intended to make him go to Russia on the grounds that he is a Russian child, which is not true. Pretending thereby to violate Guatemalan sovereignty.

It is well known that Russia is a military and economic power, and making use of its power and the relations between the two countries, they have managed to extend their disastrous tentacles and influence some Guatemalan officials for a Guatemalan child to be illegally taken from his homeland against the Constitution of Guatemala. Putin’s Legal Representative for Children and Adolescents Pavel Astahov and officials of the Russian Embassy in Guatemala, claimed the Guatemalan child Vladimir. Haroldo Flores, Attorney General of the Nation of Guatemala claimed the child on the same terms. Whereby there is a clear interference in sight of the Russian government in the Guatemalan legal system.

Judge Maria Belen Reyna Salazar sent the child Vladimir to “Amor del Niño” home, prohibiting any Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast (Mobile)contact with their parents, their guardians and people familiar to him, for 42 days until the judicial panel ordered to close the case. They took the child back with his tutor to whom his parents had recommended his custody. Genetic lab tests conducted in Guatemala and Spain conclusively determined that Vladimir is the biological son of Igor and Irina.

The director of “Refugio de La Niñez” home, Leonel Dubon, who without being part to the proceedings has made statements in the media, such as “Contrapoder”, who without knowing the case dares to make spurious comments and far from the truth against a Guatemalan child, as is Vladimir, just 3 years old, who by his young age cannot defend himself.


The director of “Amor del Niño” home, with a dark path in the United States and who has an international adoptions home in Guatemala, who without any legal standing, has filed before the Supreme Court, Chamber of Protection and Pretrial, a constitutional appeal against the Honorable Judges of the of the Board of Childhood and Adolescence. This board had resolved, in the best interests of the child, for having no reason to be, to close the process in the Metropolitan Court for Children and Adolescents. But this foreign director, perhaps has in mind giving our son up for adoption to a foreign family, for her interest in the money, that has characterized her, giving Guatemalan children for adoption.

Resolución Juzgado de Primera Instancia 

Resolución de la Sala de Apelaciones de la Niñez

Resolución de Cámara de Amparo