Tuesday, May 28, 2024
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Russian Interference in Guatemala – GAZPROMBANK


Attorney Alfonso Carrillo

Multiple proves regarding the Bitkov case, and about Russian interference to destroy the Bitkov family through CICIG have been delivered and registered at the US Senate.

The most recent proof that was been incorporated into the Helsinki Commission is related to the role of Attorney Alfonso Carrillo Marroquín as a link between KREMLIN and CICIG.

Alfonso Carrillo en Comisión de Helsinki Caso Bitkovs
Alfonso Carrillo in Helsinki Commission Case Bitkovs

The Senate already has information about the participation of the Lawyer Henry Phillip Comte Velasquez, who is Alternative Magistrate of the CONSTITUTIONAL COURT and has a Power of Attorney from the Russian State Bank VTB, but a something was missing. It was the roll of the Attorney Alfonso Carrillo. Now the relationship between Comte and Carrillo and their relationship between Russia and Guatemala is under investigation.

It turns out that there is another Power or Attorney, contained in a Notarial Deed, which was granted from Moscow by another of the Vladimir Putin’s Banks, GAZPROMBANK Bank, that granted a Judicial power of attorney with Representation in favor of the Guatemalan lawyer Alfonso Carrillo Marroquín.

Vladimir Putin (Left) Andrey Akimov (Right)
Mandato de Gazprombak para Alfonso Carrillo
Power of Atterney by Gazprombak / Alfonso Carrillo
Certification of the Power of Attorney by Gazprombak / Alfonso Carrillo

This Russian Power of Attorney granted in favor of Carrillo is a very important proof, since Alfonso Carrillo has lobbied at the SUPREME COURT OF JUSTICE and the CONSTITUTIONAL COURT on detriment of the Bitkov.

Eventually the magistrates and their staffers of both Guatemalan courts could be called as witnesses of that lobby.

Let us also remember that Alfonso Carrillo has filled many injuctions trying to harm the Institutions of the State of Guatemala, against the President of the Republic and to defend, officiously, Commissioner Ivan Velásquez, when President of Guatemala declared him “non grato”.

Twitter Translation: #Now | The lawyer Alfonso Carrillo filed an amparo action before the @CC_Guatemala in favor of the commissioner Iván Velásquez, so that Jimmy Morales will comply with everything related to the prerogatives and facilities that Velásquez has, as head of the CICIG.

Before the hearing against CICIG, at the Helsinki Commission, Alfonso Carrillo traveled to Washington, lobbying with other Guatemalan personalities, trying to influence the US Senate, without any success.

Alfonso Carrillo represents the interests of CICIG and organizations that define themselves as “fighters” against impunity, but who hide spurious interests, who want power through alternative mechanisms to the democratic system.

We must be vigilant and denounce any hidden person so that the weight of